Hi! Welcome to my blog. My name is Nora Kemmerer!

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About Me!

I’m in my late 30’s, happily married to the love of my life, Bryce, and am a fur mom to five kitties. Until 2020 I was a Disney loving princess, I happily worked in cardiology perfecting my trade, and took every pharmaceutical for any and all ailments.

I never questioned anything! If someone, especially doctors and people in positions of authority, said something was true, I blindly followed without thinking for myself.

I was blissfully ignorant and naïve to the ways our established systems are designed to keep us in a constant state of poor health and limited fulfillment.

However, all of that changed on March 16th, 2020…

Has an event ever occurred in your life that made you start questioning things? Things you believed to be true? Things that your entire worldview was based upon?

Have you ever had your entire world flipped upside down because of an event?

My event happened to everyone in the US in mid March 2020.

The event: Covid.

My entire blissfully happy and naïve world as I knew it completely changed in less than one month.


I’m an echocardiographer (sonographer of the heart) in Northern Virginia. I used to do anything heart related but primarily I perform ultrasounds of the heart. I’ve been in this profession for 13 years at hospitals and outpatient cardiology practices.

March 16th, 2020 I volunteered to scan one of the first covid positive patients in Northern VA. I was young (34), healthy (so I thought) and didn’t have children. I worked for a large hospital outside of DC. I offered to scan any positive patient that needed their heart evaluated as everyone else appeared to be too afraid.

From March 16th through the end of that month, I would put on a gown, N95, surgical mask, face shield, double gloves and face an unknown virus that, according to the news media, was the Black Plague on steroids…

However, a couple of weeks after my first positive patient, I started questioning things:

  • Why wasn’t I sick or DEAD from this super deadly virus that was killing thousands at this point?

  • Why weren’t any of my coworkers sick and/or dying? Why weren’t my neighbors getting sick and dying?

  • Why was I forced to wear a mask when I wasn’t sick and no one around me was sick?

  • Why were we told to avoid the sun, being outdoors and avoid healthy activities like going to the gym?

  • Why did NOTHING the media was saying correlate with what I was seeing every day?

The Awakening

That two-week period in March 2020 was the catalyst for my awakening!

Over the past three years I’ve changed my views on what healthcare truly is, my own personal health, no longer trusting the government or any government ran agency, I’ve changed the way I look at food, I’ve changed my environment (home, products I use), I’m no longer a Disney princess and I no longer blindly trust ANYTHING.

I was very overwhelmed in the beginning of this awakening. I went from being a “happy go lucky” person, to being chronically angry and negative. I didn’t know who to turn to and I couldn’t process the information that was quickly given to me. I spent hours researching and going down every rabbit hole related to health, medicine, governments, and society as a whole.

I felt very alone.

Over the course of my personal awakening, I’ve discovered that the systems and norms in American society are structured to keep us sick, drugged-up, unmotivated, unaware, and unable to find answers to why we’re so unhappy and unhealthy.

For many in the US, this state of living is “Normal”.

After spending the last three years asking questions and relentlessly pursuing the answers, I’ve discovered that the best way for me to live my happiest and most fulfilled life was to Denormalize everything, and pursue true health and wellness in many aspects of my life. The natural way!

Do you have questions?

Do you feel alone at the start of your own personal awakening journey?

You Are Not Alone!

If you have questions and are feeling alone in your search for answers, I invite you to follow my blog to learn about my journey, how it started, what I’ve learned, and how I pulled through this great awakening. I’ll walk you through the steps of Denormalizing your life. I’ll share the good and the bad and all the in-between.

Follow me as we Denormalize our lives!

Let’s Get Started!

To reach the blog, hit the double-bars at the top-left of the screen and click on “Blog”! I’ll see you there!

-Nora Kemmerer